
Thursday, April 12, 2012


Ahhh... yes.  I made it.  What a week it's been.  We've wrapped up our latest book groups and are presenting book projects this week.  It's great to hear the kids' interpretations of events-- they all have such different perspectives on things.

During vacation, encourage your kids to do a little practice work to keep the skills from getting rusty.
Bonus bucks will be awarded to any students who bring these assignments back on Monday after vacation.

Click here for a math practice page

Kids, sign into your google accounts to access this book and comprehension worksheet.

You'll get more information about the battles of the American Revolution.  Have a great vacation, and read, read, read.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Colonial Kids

Thanks to Kate Townsend, DBS Art Teacher, the students turned their portraits into "Colonial Portraits." Can you tell who these kids are?

And whoops... two accidentally got left out of the book, so they get their own spot.